
Hotel SPA z basenem w Poznaniu





21 sept 24


22 sept 24
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modern design

Regatta Hotel Restaurant Spa located in the picturesque landscape of Kierskie Lake is an amazing place combining family passion with the highest standards of service. Interiors decorated with taste and world-class architectural standards create a beautiful backdrop for business meetings, conferences, and family celebrations.
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excellent dishes at Blue Marina

In the morning Blue Marina smells of freshly brewed coffee and a warm croissant and in the evening of a steak served on a volcanic lava plate and a good dry wine. We serve international and local cuisine, and our menu changes with the seasons.
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Wellness & Spa

We will awaken your senses

A unique place where quality and perfection go hand in hand with full relaxation and in-depth care for your beauty. Our secret is a team of qualified professionals consisting of cosmetologists, SPA therapists, and instructors. We are constantly monitoring new products in the world of SPA and improving the skills of our team in order to meet cosmetic novelties and changing needs of guests.
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Conference zone

We will advise and adjust our space to the character and scenario of your conference. Our team of professionals guarantees you the execution of each type of event at the highest level. We provide you with an individual carer who will help you with your organization and show you the best solutions.
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Approximate travel time

center of Poznan  

Regatta Hotel Restauracja SPA****

st. Chojnicka 49, 60-480 Poznań
5 min
Railway station
10 min
Circuit Poznan
15 min
20 min
City Stadium
25 min
Train and bus station, fair
30 min
Old Market Square

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